On a person's skin, different tumors can appear. Papillomas are classified as benign. You can remove them if you want. There are several ways, but laser removal of papillomas is considered the most effective.
A papilloma is a tumor on the skin or mucous membranes of the body, or in other words a wart. It belongs to benign pathology, so its removal is not mandatory. Usually, such remedies are used in a variety of ways or for cosmetic reasons, especially when papillomas appear on the face. In this case, it is best to proceed with laser treatment.

There are many ways to solve this problem. Most of them involve getting rid of them.
Today, most often in the list of clinic services you can see the following methods:
- chemical cauterization;
- cryodestruction (treatment with liquid nitrogen);
- Surgical removal;
- coagulation capacitor;
- eliminate radio waves;
- vaporize papillomas with a laser.
These are the most effective treatments. After applying some of them, a small mark may remain as a pigmented area, scar or scar. But it is after the laser that the cosmetic defects are minimized.
The nuances of laser removal
A special place in medicine is laser treatment. In particular, this applies to the removal of various tumors, especially papillomas.
This method differs from others in the following points:
- Method of removing the tumor. The laser affects the problem area using high heat and radiation. As a result, simultaneous burning and evaporation of the papillae occurs;
- tissue regeneration rate. After the treatment, the skin's recovery time is from 3 to 8 days. At the same time, the risk of the reappearance of the papilloma in the same location is excluded, since all unhealthy cells, including the root of the wart, are removed with a laser;
- Define the processing area by device. The settings in the device are selected so that the pulse does not penetrate deeper than required. So, except for one of the pathologies, no tissue is affected.
Advantages of the method
The popularity of laser papilloma removal is due to the presence of a lot of advantages. This approach is practically unrivaled compared to other approaches in the treatment of skin cancer.
The main advantages of laser tumor removal are:
- Painless. The evaporation of tissues is very rapid, while the healthy areas are not affected. Some units use cooling elements so no anesthesia is required;
- Safety. With the correct use of the device, it is not possible to damage healthy cells. In addition, the risk of bleeding or infection in the wound is eliminated;
- treatment effectiveness. After the procedure, the inflammation subsides, disinfection of the treated areas occurs. In addition, blood circulation and tissue nutrition are improved, which accelerates their regeneration;
- Speed, velocity. Forms up to 1 cm are removed in just a few minutes. In one session, you can deal with hundreds of small tumors;
- The patient recovered quickly. After surgery, no specific care is required, the wound will heal within a few days without leaving a scar.
Skin damage is minimal, and therefore lasers are used to remove milia even in problem areas of the face, mouth and genitals.
Disadvantages of laser surgery and contraindications
Laser removal of papillomas is practically without drawbacks. That's why this method became so popular. However, some unpleasant moments are still not ruled out. Very much depends on the qualifications of the doctor and the characteristics of the patient's body.
First of all, it is worth noting that when removing papillomas with a laser, there is a thermal effect on the tissues. That is why after surgery at the site of the papilloma, skin congestion and even slight swelling can be observed, as in burns. If you carry out proper care, after a week there will be no noticeable traces in this place.
If the patient has increased sensitivity to radiation, the reaction may be more intense. That's why you need to choose individual settings. If the doctor does not have enough knowledge and experience, unpleasant consequences can occur.
Another disadvantage is that the procedure is contraindicated in the presence of certain health problems.
- Diabetes;
- exacerbation of herpes;
- immunodeficiency diseases;
- Central nervous system disorders, especially epilepsy;
- the presence of malignant tumors;
- pathologies of the circulatory system, deviations in the composition of the blood;
- skin disease.
It is also not recommended to use the procedure during pregnancy and lactation. If, within 2-3 weeks prior to the operation, the patient is exposed to intense UV radiation (eg, sunburn), surgery should be rescheduled.
- The operation mainly takes place without the use of anesthesia. Anesthesia may be required when working on older equipment or when the patient's pain threshold is reduced.
- Before that, the area of skin where the papillomas will be removed with the device is treated with an antiseptic. The laser is tuned to the desired frequency and depth of penetration. Then the beam is aimed at the growth and its removal is carried out directly. This beam vaporizes pathologically altered tissues, leaving healthy cells intact.
- After removal, your doctor will apply medications to the treatment area. Usually these are soothing anti-burn drugs, as well as antiseptics and ointments to accelerate the healing process.
Consequences and patient recovery
If the procedure is done correctly, there won't be any serious negative consequences. After laser exposure to the papilloma, a small mark remains at the site of the burn, similar to a burn, which is then covered with a scab. New healthy skin forms under the crust. After the crust has peeled off on its own, the color of this area may vary slightly, but the tone will be uniform after that.
To avoid the development of side effects, after manipulating the laser, the following rules should be observed:
- within 3-5 days you can not wet this area of \u200b\u200b skin;
- do not treat the wound with alcohol-containing substances, use mild antiseptics;
- avoid ultraviolet radiation, you can not sunbathe for another 2-3 weeks after that;
- does not require a bandage, it needs access to air;
- you can not tear or soak the crusts;
- some time you can't visit the bath and sauna, as well as the swimming pool.
If the treatment is performed by a specialist and care means adherence to all the recommendations described, the stages of tissue repair should proceed as quickly as possible. Within a week, there will be no trace of your problem!
Some people use folk remedies or use their own cauterizing agents, for example, celandine extract. Such self-treatment can lead to unpleasant consequences and the formation of new papillomas. In any case, you must first consult a doctor.
He will choose the most appropriate way to solve the problem and learn the general state of health of the patient, since in some cases any intervention is contraindicated.